Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Informal International Partners

  • Qiyin Fang and Samir Sahli.

    • Subject: New optical sensors for skin imaging and their biomedical applications.

    • Institution: McMaster University (Canada).

  • Stuart Jones and Jochen Einbeck.

    • Subject: Shape modelling applied to subterranean sand bodies.

    • Institution: Department of Earth Sciences and Department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University (UK).

  • Zoltan Kato, Tamas Sziranyi and Csaba Benedek.

    • Subjects: Multi-layer Markovian models for change detection in aerial and satellite images. Random field models of shape.

    • Institution: Szeged University and MTA SZTAKI (Hungary).

  • Gabriele Moser and Sebastiano Serpico.

    • Subject: Hierarchical Markov random fields for multi-temporal and multi-resolution classification in remote sensing.

    • Institution: Genoa University (Italy).

  • Anuj Srivastava.

    • Subject: Statistical shape analysis of functions, curves, and surfaces.

    • Institution: Florida State University (USA).